In 1973 an unknown young artist named Richard Clapton released his very first album. Since then, the man affectionately known as "Ralph" has become one of the most beloved and influential figures in Australian music history. On Saturday, June 28th 2008 at Sydney's iconic State Theatre, Richard and 11 of this country's finest musicians electrified a sellout crowd with a blistering set covering classic tracks from the Clapton catalogue. This historic 35th Anniversary concert is now available on CD.
Click here to download the album in iTunes
1. Blue Bay Blues
2. Wintertime In Amsterdam
3. Spellbound
4. High Society
5. Obsession
6. Suit Yourself
7. Glory Road
8. Solidarity
9. Angelou
10. Diamond Mine
11. Steppin' Across The Line
12. Distant Thunder
13. I Am An Island
14. Best Years